Tripster - Cestovní agentura Moderní téma WordPress Elementor

6 months of support Spolu s produktem získáte podporu během 6 měsíců od autora. Chcete-li se dozvědět více podrobností, přečtěte si pravidla podpory.

shoppingBag Prodej: 110

Přidat do sbírky

Created: 19. 7. 2019

Updated: 24. 4. 2024

ID: 83930

og体育首页ONE - Neomezené stahování pro $12.40/měsíc

480k položek | Komerční použití License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Podpěra Přidejte se a stáhněte si tuto položku  Zdarma
Tripster - Cestovní agentura Moderní téma WordPress Elementor - Features Image 1Tripster - Cestovní agentura Moderní téma WordPress Elementor - Features Image 2Tripster - Cestovní agentura Moderní téma WordPress Elementor - Features Image 3Tripster - Cestovní agentura Moderní téma WordPress Elementor - Features Image 4Tripster - Cestovní agentura Moderní téma WordPress Elementor - Features Image 5Tripster - Cestovní agentura Moderní téma WordPress Elementor - Features Image 6Tripster - Cestovní agentura Moderní téma WordPress Elementor - Features Image 7


April 24, 2024:

  • Minor bugs fixed.

Tripster (October 26, 2023):

  • WordPress 6.3 compatible;
  • Elementor Page Builder 3.16 compatible;
  • Minor bugs fixed.

Tripster (December 22, 2022):

  • Minor bugs fixed;
  • Elementor Page Builder 3.9 compatible;
  • WordPress 6.1 compatible.

5 Reviews for this product

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The theme looks amazing and is super easy to install and edit. The only down side is that the jetplugins have kind of broke the theme.
Great WordPress theme, very configurable with many different options & a first class support team. Highly recommended.
buena plantilla y facil de configurar y el uso de elementor lo maximo
Template is wonderful - installation scripts work well. Had an issue while installing, but was quickly fixed by online support. Included some plugin subscriptions !
This template is amazing. Very creative and has helped me create an amazing website.

0 Comments for this product

O autorovi

Guru Author

Customer Support

4,6 /5
Support rating (1281 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 1099 4 57 3 16 2 9 1 100
Response Time: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
Support Maverik Support Maverik


WordPress Builder:

WordPress Compatibility:

WooCommerce Compatibility:

Compatible with: Compatibility:

Language support:

Images included:


General software requirements:

Code editing tool ZIP unarchiver

Hosting Requirements:

PHP Version Compatibility:

Web Server Compatibility:

Database Server Compatibility: